Verify email addresses with real-time email verification API

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Simple & secure API

Requested using an easy-to-integrate URL structure, delivered in lightweight JSON format, and secured via 256-bit HTTPS encryption.

Detailed verification response

Receive 10+ evaluation factors including verification score.

Full verification

Verify email addresses as they come into your system and make sure you only send email to real customers and high-value contacts.

Save money

Saves time and money in cleaning up your list by verifying emails as you collect them.

Email checker API

Welcome to Sendbridge's Email Verification API – your key to supercharging email campaigns!

Eliminate bounced emails, fake addresses, and wasted resources with our cutting-edge API. Real-time verification ensures your emails reach the right inboxes every time.

With industry-leading accuracy and fast response times, our API integrates seamlessly into your workflow, helping you achieve higher open rates, better engagement, and an improved sender reputation.

Don't let invalid emails hold you back – unlock the full potential of your email marketing with Sendbridge's Email Verification API today!

Getting started with email verification API

Start using email verification service within a few minutes.

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Email verification API usage



Verification API sample response
Field Values Description
email email address An original email address that has been submitted for a test.
freemail true / false Is email based on a freemail service like Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook etc.?
valid_syntax true / false Is the email address syntactically valid?
abnormal_local_part true / false Is the email local part (before @) somehow abnormal?
abnormal_domain true / false Is the email domain part (after @) somehow abnormal?
local_part_too_long true / false Is the email local part (before @) longer than is usual?
shared true / false Is the email local part a shared account?
valid_tld true / false Does the email domain have a valid top-level domain (TLD)?
disposable true / false Is the email address based on email disposable service?
mx_valid true / false Does the domain have a valid Mail Exchanger (MX) DNS records?
a_valid true / false Does the domain have a valid A DNS records? This value is null when domain has valid MX records (A test is not performed)
temporarily_undeliverable true / false / null The remote server has reported temporary errors.
score 0 - 99 A resulting score of email validation. The higher number is better.
time_taken decimal Time taken to process your API request in seconds.
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